Afters testing, administrative checks and scrutineering
Friday, 14 March 2014 02:30
During the two days before the race the team was finalizing the car's settings, settling in in the service area, and passing administrative checks and scruutineering.
All checks went really well. There was no extra enquiries and critics or dispotes.
And the crew itself can tell you about the tests:
Aleksei Kuzmich: Tests went great. We achieved our main goal of setting up the braking system. We played with the configurations and even changes a set of shocks. Tried various tyre pressures. Practiced different approaches and speeds for the jumps and for speedy hairpinы. On my part, since the car is now more comfortable and the speed is higher, I found the optimised speed for reading the roadbook and the distances.
Boris Gadasin: Considering that every year we come to the same place to test our cars, I was positively surprised by the results we achieved while setting up the new Proto NL. When in the old Proto in this test track I had to occasionally release the gas pedal, the new Proto allows to drive at pedal down while the car is vitually glued to the road. I am really looking forward to the special stages to see how my impressions will prove to be true in the real car speed.
Tomorrow the race will start from a 9-kilometer Super Special Stage which will allow top 10 participants to choose starting positions for the next day.